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A proactive approach to achieving your best health.

iv therapy




Intravenous (IV) infusion therapy and intramuscular injections can effectively deliver an array of high dose vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the bloodstream. This process results in efficient uptake of nutrients to support metabolic activity and stimulate healing responses. Each patient is recommended a specifically compounded formula.


Intramuscular injections : Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and MTHF

Intravenous injections: Myers cocktail, vitamin C, glutathione and custom formulas.


How to start treatment?


  • An initial assessment by Dr. Allison Freeman ND, or

  • A parenteral referral form can be completed by a licensed Ontario ND or MD. Parenteral Referral Form.


Osteopathy is a hands-on, and non-invasive method of assessment and treatment. With a gentle and skilled sense of touch, this form of therapy can re-align the spine, skull, ligaments, and soft tissues.  These subtle adjustments can reduce pain, optimize digestive system functioning and promote lymphatic circulation.

Regan Walker is registered as both an osteopathic manual practitioner and as as registered massage therapist, who works with all ages, including newborns, children and adults.


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Are you seeking a more personalized health strategy?  When you work with one of our experienced NDs, you get health solutions that work in alignment with your goals, your vitality and your natural ability to heal.


We combine in-depth health history, laboratory testing, and careful physical examinations to determine patterns of imbalance and develop your course of treatment. These treatments may include lifestyle counselling, botanical medicine, IV therapy, infrared light therapy, bio-identical hormones, acupuncture, dietary supplements, nutrition, homeopathy, and/or physical medicine.  You and your ND will work as a team to determine the most appropriate natural interventions and therapies.

Naturopathic Medicine
Palm Massage


At The Freeman Clinic, Registered Massage Therapist Renata Polivka offers four options for massage.


  • Swedish massage. A gentle massage to help relax and energize


  • Deep massage. A slower, more-forceful massage targeting deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue for injury recovery


  • Sports massage. Geared toward injury care


  • Trigger point massage. To release tight and sore muscle fibres from repetitive strain and overuse.


advanced lab testing
natural medicine


​Identify areas of inflammation with a non-radiation, non-contact method of imaging. Full reports are provided directly to patients.


Call to book a thermography imaging session at 1.800.403.2041




Do you want more time to speak with a healthcare provider about the background behind your health condition?


To schedule a visit, contact Maria Galle directly at:

Tel: 416.702.9575 





An acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of very fine needles just under the dermis layer of skin, in specific locations of the body to manipulate the flow of energy to restore balance, to remove blockages, and to promote vitality. 


Acupuncture is effective for treating the following conditions and health concerns:


  • Fertility and pregnancy care 

  • Muscle spasm, back pain, neck pain

  • Smoking Cessation and addictions

  • Headaches, migraines

  • Digestive problems

  • Depression, anxiety

  • Gynecological and women’s health issues 

  • Blood pressure imbalances


Acupuncture is offered by all of our naturopathic doctors.



facial rejuvenation


Are you seeking to restore your facial appearance naturally? Facial acupuncture can help to boost collagen production, improve facial circulation, reduce the appearance of fine lines, reduce puffiness under the eyes and enhance your natural colour. This therapy can also balance dry and oily skin, benefit the jaw and tone the muscles of the scalp. While the outcomes and the longevity of results may vary, it is not uncommon to recognize benefits for several years. To ensure that healing benefits to the skin are supported from inside-out, targeted supplements can also be recommended and all facial rejuvenation protocols  are started with a full naturopathic health consultation. 

Copyright 2024 The Freeman Clinic, Toronto

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