Naturopathic Medicine Can Be A Part Of Your Mental Health
Back-to-School Plan
Return to School
The daylight hours get shorter, and there is a reminder of impending cold weather, with the return of cold and flu season. You are not alone.
Whether you are going into first year of undergrad, entering into a professional program or apprenticeship or are a parent concerned about your child entering Kindergarten, September jitters can lead to anxiety.
The most recent statistics indicate that about 25% of students experience significant anxiety and/or depression. Still, you want to feel relaxed and to enjoy your school experience. Isn’t this
supposed to be the most fun time of your life, after all?
Worries and stressors can make getting through your daily life difficult, if not impossible. Having a plan that includes naturopathic medicine will help to alleviate or even avoid the anxieties
related to school.
In addition to individual therapy, a naturopathic doctor can provide help with
supporting the body systems that are put under strain with anxiety, depression
and stress.
Whatever the cause, naturopathic medicine can help you support your mood and
getting back to a more joyful place. If you’re curious about how naturopathic
doctors can help you specifically, make a free 10-minute consult with us. Many
college and university insurance plans as well as your parents’ plans cover the
fees for naturopathic treatments.