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A proactive approach to achieving your best health.

We treat a wide range of health concerns that are commonly seen in family practice. In addition to treating acute conditions we also practice preventive medicine and integrative management of chronic conditions. Below is a list of areas where we have developed a special focus. 



If you have a little one, you probably have many questions about their health. We offer support with:


  • Well-child visits

  • Lactation/ feeding 

  • Craniosacral therapy

  • Allergies

  • Reflux

  • Digestion

  • Skin issues

  • Growth concerns

  • Stress/ anxiety/ depression


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We recognize that fatigue comes in many forms. There is no one simple solution. We are here to help determine the cause of your fatigue or insomnia, and address the multitude of factors that may be contributing. We provide a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs. We take a holistic approach to supporting you so that you can thrive in all aspects of your life. 

women's health
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Are you experiencing any of the following: Temperature changes; weight gain; headaches; memory lapses; acne; fatigue; insomnia; hot flashes, low libido, mood swings, cramping, sore breasts, bloating? 


Let's face it- hormones are complicated!


We can help you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and provide a roadmap to a healthier, more vibrant life through targeted and specific treatment plans.


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We recognize that trying to conceive, and stay pregnant can be one of the most challenging journeys.  


If you are working with a fertility clinic for IUI or IVF, our clinic offers support to women and to couples seeking to improve their fertility quotient, elevate conception rates, and to lower miscarriage rates. 


We incorporate practical lifestyle recommendations, lab testing analysis, bio-identical hormones and we offer in-office acupuncture, doula services, osteopathy and  IV nutrient therapy.  



  • Body work for injury recovery

  • Registered massage therapy

  • Nutrient therapy for athletic performance optimization

  • Dietary analysis

  • Pre-race and post-race recovery

  • IV Hydration and vitamin therapy

  • Mistletoe injections for arthritic joints

  • Acupuncture



At the Freeman Clinic we deal with all kinds of allergies, including seasonal, environmental and food allergies. Our naturopathic doctors can give you more natural ways of handling the acute symptoms in the moment, but will also take a more proactive approach to allergy care by preparing your body up to 6-months before the season begins.

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We investigate, diagnose, and naturally treat skin conditions including (but not limited to):

  • chronic acne

  • eczema

  • psoriasis

  • rosacea

  • acute rashes

  • fungal conditions

  • hives

  • warts

  • medication skin reactions 



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A number of cardiovascular diseases can be linked directly related to lifestyle factors. The good news is that this means that change is within your control.


We offer lab testing, stress counselling, supplements, IV therapy and trackable metrics to keep you motivated and on track.


We are here to work with you to create a plan that fits.

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We understand how debilitating headache pain can be.

At The Freeman Clinic we offer an integrative approach that can include osteopathy, massage, IV therapy, and naturopathic services to address headache pain.



mental health


There is no health without mental health. This holds true now more than ever. 


Therapy for:

  • Individuals

  • Couples

  • Teens

  • Grief 


Services by:​

  • Maria Galle, Psychotherapist


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We know that living with a chronic condition can take an extreme toll - on the body, mind and soul. We provide complementary support for people with:

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • Metabolic Syndrome

  • Lyme disease and co-infections

  • Cancer

We offer tailored intravenous (IV) therapies, and work alongside your other healthcare providers to improve your health outcomes.




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Whether you are living with chronic joint pain or experiencing a short term flair-up or injury to a joint, we have ways to help ease your discomfort. After performing an in-depth assessment, we will create a customized individual plan. We also provide proactive evaluations and treatment plans for protecting bone health and preventing injury and inflammatory conditions.  


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This therapy is performed by licensed naturopathic doctors for cervical dysplasia and HPV infections. These findings are found with a PAP test and colposcopy. The escharotic therapy is offered after a consultation process with a naturopathic doctor, to assess suitability. Escharotic therapies of the cervix are integrated into a wholistic treatment to optimize the outcomes.  We create a customized treatment plan for each woman with cervical dysplasia. We offer the escharotic therapy in the context of stress reduction, targeted supplementation, intravenous nutrient therapy, dietary recommendations and lifestyle recommendations. 


Services with Dr. Allison Freeman, ND 

pelvic pain


  • Reducing and managing the side-effects from chemotherapy, radiation and surgery with natural interventions

  • Dietary support strategies

  • Intravenous nutrient therapies, including High-Dose vitamin C, and mistletoe therapy

  • Managing side-effects such as radiation-induced colitis, early menopausal onset, fatigue, urinary incontinence, constipation, lung fibrosis, nausea, diarrhea, mucositis, and weight loss.

  •  Depression, anxiety and life-strategies

Still not sure how you fit in? 


If your area of concern is not listed, or if you don’t know where to start, you have the option to book a 10 minute complimentary phone call with a naturopathic doctor who will help you to find out what your options are. If we can’t treat you, we can refer you to someone who can.


To book your complimentary session please call the front desk at (416) 761-9111. We look forward to hearing from you!

Copyright 2024 The Freeman Clinic, Toronto

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